Re: [Biomagnetismomedico] Re: Afasia de Broca y de Wernicke Fernando: Los pares son parte de la información que me llega de mis amigos Terapeutas ,no se quien es su autor,y en mi experiencia …que no es mucha,ya que trabajo en BM en mi tiempo libre,no he tenido pacientes con esos problemas. Aprovecho la ocasión para preguntar que resultados han tenido con la dishidrosis y su par Cervical-Sacro ? Bendiciones Luisa Márquez. Re: [Biomagnetismomedico] Re: Afasia de Broca y de Wernicke lLas causas de afasia son: traumas cranales por golpes en la cabeza en automoviles, bicicletas, moto- cicletas lesiones deportivas, boxeo, jugadores de futbol americano, futbol por golpear la pelota con cabeza, arteria dañada, accidente cerebro-vascular, Re: Afasia de Broca y de Wernicke Luisa, es una agradable sorpresa para mi saber que existen estos pares, nos puedes relatar tu experiencia en tus casos de autismo. Te agradezco mucho que compartas tus conocimientos. Que recibas bendiciones de Dios. Atentamente Fernando. Re: Afasia de Broca y de Wernicke Hola Jorge Lui En los casos de autismo siempre está presente un estado depresivo crónico que se puede corregir con la serie propuesta por Rolando Bravo Varga Maxilar superior derecho – Cola de Páncreas Sistema Sensorial Supratentorial(Bioenergética) – Hipófisis Cerebelo – Piso orbital Lo anterior independientemente de que se rastreen todos los pares. Espero sea de tu ayuda.Recibe bendiciones de Dios. Atentamente Fernando. Re: [Biomagnetismomedico] Afasia de Broca y de Wernicke JORGE LUIS. .Checa todo el hemisferio Izquierdo ,que es el que tiene a cargo el Lenguaje. La Afasia puede ser por Traumatismo Físico o por Infección. Un abrazo Luisa Re: [Biomagnetismomedico] Afasia de Broca y de Wernicke Jorge Luis : Los pares para el Autismo son : Calcaneo-Cuello ,Polo-Calcaneo ,Tambien sirven para dislexia,El par : Vago- Riñón es indicador de falso Autismo. Busca pares para trauma infantil. Espero te sirvan. Luisa Márquez RE: [Biomagnetismomedico] Afasia de Broca y de Wernicke Jorge L, buen día… posible sea conveniente considerar una dexintoxicación,por vacunas etc.,( Laura Espinosa)… también verificar que no ingiere productos lácteos( de vaca).. asimismo, que no haya cerca de su casa antenas…. te anexo un artículo interesante, Dios te bendice César A Jiménez Jáuregui How Cell Phones May Cause Autism Rates of autism, a disabling neurodevelopmental disorder, have increased nearly 60-fold since the late 1970s, with the most significant increases occurring in the past decade. The cause of autism is unknown, although theories include such potential causes a Genetic predisposition Inability to clear heavy metals Increased vulnerability to oxidative stress Environmental exposures including mercury preservatives in vaccines Trans-generational accumulation of toxic heavy metalsNow a groundbreaking new theory has been suggested by a study published in the Journal of the Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine: electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi devices and other similar wireless technologies as an accelerating factor in autism. EMR May be the Missing Link The study, which involved over five years of research on children with autism and other membrane sensitivity disorders, found that EMR negatively affects cell membranes, and allows heavy metal toxins, which are associated with autism, to build up in your body. Meanwhile, the researchers pointed out that autism rates have increased concurrently along with the proliferation of cell phones and wireless use. EMR, the researchers say, could impact autism by facilitating early onset of symptoms or by trapping heavy metals inside of nerve cells, which could accelerate the onset of symptoms of heavy metal toxicity and hinder therapeutic clearance of the toxins . Speaking in reference to the huge rise in autism rates, Dr. George Carlo, the study’s co-author, said, “A rise of this magnitude must have a major environmental cause. Our data offer a reasonable mechanistic explanation for a connection between autism and wireless technology.” They also suggest that EMR from wireless devices works in conjunction with environmental and genetic factors to cause autism. Primary researcher for this article is Tamara Mariea. Her clinic is called Internal Balance™ Inc.( and is a state-of-the-art Detoxification Clinic located in the Nashville, TN area. Her objective is to provide high quality and current up-to-date information on the hottest topics in the natural health industry including sound advice on how to implement a personal wellness and detoxification program that works. One of the most successful programs offered at Internal Balance is the unique strategies implemented for autistic children. In working backward through the autistic child’s life, making changes to their environment, diet and implementing State-of-the-Art detoxification strategies, the Internal Balance team has witnessed numerous changes and improvements in the lives and families of these children. In a few cases, they have witnessed miracles that have changed lives forever, including Mariea’s team. Parents consistently report back that during and after the detoxification process and most importantly after making modifications to their home, they see huge changes in their children’s developmental progress and a decrease in the children’s general sensory discomfort. Although Mariea believes that autism is a complicated condition that must have several factors at play for a child to fall to this diagnosis, she does believe that the three largest factors at play are Genetically determined detoxification capacity Early insult to immune system via contaminated vaccines and Being born with high levels of toxic burden and into a technologically advanced society riddled with ever increasing levels of radiation Wireless Radiation in the Etiology and Treatment of Autism (PDF Download Page) Dr. Mercola’s Comment I am absolutely convinced that the explosion of cell phone usage around the world is one of the primary contributors to the autism epidemic. The information-carrying radio waves from cell phone base stations and cell phones makes children’s exposure to vaccines and heavy metals much more dangerous than they typically are. Why? Because EMR may actually trap heavy metals inside your cells, allowing them to cause damage and hindering your body from detoxifying them. While I realize that most people will not avoid cell phones because of their convenience, I would urge you to not let your kids use them. I warned of these dangers on my Today Show interview last month, but the media blacklisted it and only showed a short section of what I had to say. So let me say it again here: the density of your child’s skull is far less than an adult’s, and their brain is far more susceptible to these information-carrying radio waves. For this reason, you should not allow your child to use a cell phone, and you should also never hold an infant while you’re talking on one — when you are on a cell phone the radiation plume can easily reach an infant in your other arm and penetrate their skull. In October, I spent two full days with Dr. George Carlo, who is the co-author of this groundbreaking study and an undisputed world expert in cell phone safety. I was so compelled with the information I heard that my next book in 2009 will detail the reasons why I believe using cell phones is far more dangerous than smoking cigarettes ever was. Largest Study Ever on Cell Phone Safety Dr. Carlo was given a $28-million grant from the cell phone industry in the ’90s to prove cell phones were safe. He is an MD, taught as a professor at George Washington Medical School, and has a degree in public health — so he was up for the challenge. However, Dr. Carlo did not come up with the results the cell phone industry would have wanted. After his research he found that they DO, in fact, cause damage. The cell phone industry offered him a position for $1 million a year to silence him, but he refused, and started a non-profit institute called The Safe Wireless Initiative to inform the world of this danger. Folks, by the end of this year it’s expected that 4 billion cell phones will have been sold. This is a massive explosion in cell phone use, and one that is undoubtedly linked to health problems, including autism. The information-carrying radio waves from cell phones may: Damage your cell membranes Decrease your intracellular communication by disrupting microtubular connections that allow biophotons to communicate between cells Increase deposits of heavy metals into your cells, which increases intracellular production of free radicals and can radically decrease cellular production of energy — thus making you incredibly fatiguedCell phone users are also 240 percent more prone to brain tumors, and a study back in 2004 found that your risk of acoustic neuroma (a tumor on your auditory nerve) was nearly four times greater on the side of your head where your phone was most frequently held. What is even more concerning, though, is that there is VERY solid evidence that the number of brain tumors will increase to 500,000 per YEAR in 2010 — and this will double to 1 million every year by 2015 if the causes are not addressed. Folks, this is the real deal and represents an impending health care crisis. Can Cell Phones Ever be Used Safely? Ideally, I believe you should not use cell phones. In reality, though, I know that’s not a practical option for many of you. If you choose to use a cell phone you should use the speakerphone function whenever possible — and keep the phone about two feet away from any body part. Do not keep the phone on your belt or in your pocket even when you’re not using it, as the radiation WILL penetrate your body wherever the phone is attached. Instead, stow it away in a purse, backpack, or your car’s glove compartment. For times when a speakerphone isn’t practical, you can use a NON-Blue Tooth headset, such as the Blue Tube headset. While Blue Tooth is certainly safer than no headset at all, it is still broadcasting its own information-carrying radio waves into your brain, just at a lower intensity than a cell phone. And there quite simply is no safe biological threshold for either of them. I feel SO STRONGLY about the dangers that cell phones pose to your health, and your children’s, that I agreed to host an event with Dr. Carlo in Chicago in the near future. Related Article Cellular Phones Linked to Cellular DNA Damage Cell Phones May be Why Honeybees Are Disappearing Cell Phones May Harm Blood Cells Re: [Biomagnetismomedico] Afasia de Broca y de Wernicke Estimados compañeros del foro: Hoy por la noche atenderé por medio de Biomagnetismo a un niño de 11 años, el cual, (por interrogatorio indirecto), ha sido diagnosticado con principios de autismo por problemas de habla. Al mismo tiempo lo diagnosticaron con Afasia de Broca y de Wernicke, las cuales, son originadas por lesiones en alguna parte del hemisferio izquierdo. Ha sido tratado por psiquiatría y neurología. Los resultados aunque positivos, no han sido lo alentadores que los papás pensaban y por eso optan por cambiar de tratamiento. Alguien de este foro tiene experiencia en esta tipo de casos ? Mucho les agradeceré su ayuda Atentamente Jorge Luis Torres Carlos
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